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Installing Mods

Downloading ModShardLauncher

In order to install mods, you will require the ModShardLauncher.
You can grab it on Github by clicking the button below.


Make sure you download the file, and not the source code.

Alternatively, you can build ModShardLauncher from source, but it's out of this guide's scope.

If launching MSL opens a console and closes immediately, you may require the .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0

.NET Desktop Runtime 6.0

Linux setup instructions


  • Bottles -
  • Stoneshard - The Windows version of Stoneshard must be used as the native Linux version is bundled differently


  1. Create a Bottle environment for gaming

linux_bottle_1.png 2. Open the newly created bottle and click "Add Shortcut" and browse to then select the ModShardLauncher.exe 3. Modify the newly added item by clicking the three dot menu and going to "Change Launch Options". The working directory must be updated to the directory that ModShardLauncher.exe resides in. 4. The bottle settings need to be updated to support the .NET environment. This can be found below the "Add Shortcut" button, select "Settings" and then "Environment Variables". A new variable needs to be added to handle the extraction location DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR=Z:\home\{user}\dotnet_bundle_extract, update this to a path of your choosing.

If you run into file permission issues with Bottles this is due to it running in a flatpak. I suggest using Flatseal to give Bottles access to the required paths.

ModShardLauncher Setup

IMPORTANT - Installing after RtR

Make sure you are on the modbranch beta of Stoneshard on Steam before proceeding below.
When launching the game, the version at the top right should say X.X.X.X-vm.

Here's how to do it :
- Right click on Stoneshard in your library on steam.
- Click Properties.
- Go in the Betas tab.
- Select the modbranch beta.
- Steam will now update your game files, when it's done, proceed below.

  • Extract anywhere.
  • Rename to in your Stoneshard folder.
  • Run ModShardLauncher.exe.

UI Tour

Let's take a quick tour of the UI to better know MSL.

Main Menu

The button on the top left of the window shows the button's name.

The Anvil button below that leads to the Mods menu. (This is the only menu you will need.)

The C# button leads to the Mod Sources menu. (It's used by modders to create their mods.)

The Cog button leads to the Settings menu. (It's used for some settings you probably won't need.)

Installing a Mod

Now that we've got MSL running, let's install some mods.
Here's an example video showing the installation of NeoConsole. (enable the subtitles !)

Note: It's a bit outdated, but the process is pretty much the same, a new video will be made at some point.

  • Close MSL.
  • Download your mod's .sml file.
  • Place the .sml file in MSL's Mods folder.
  • Start MSL.
  • Click on the anvil button to open the Mods menu.
  • At the top left of the window, click on the folder button.
  • Select the file in the Stoneshard folder
  • In the Mods menu, tick the box next to the mods you wish to enable.
  • Click on the save button and save under any name (eg.
  • Close MSL.
  • Start Stoneshard. It should ask you to select a .win file.
  • Select the file and enjoy your mods !